


11:00 ~ 16:00(最終受付 15:30)








  • ミュージアムの範囲は製作スタジオ1階の一般開放エリアのみ、標準的な見学時間は30分~1時間程度です。なお、スタジオ内の見学はできません。
  • 撮影が可能な場所は以下の通りです。


  • 駐車場・駐輪場はございません。公共の交通機関でお越しください。
  • ベビーカーは中庭向かって右側、スロープの先に専用の置場があります。
  • お手洗いは館内にあります。おむつの交換台もありますが、授乳室はございません。
  • 荷物置場はございませんので、管理はご自身でお願い申し上げます。


(1)個人・団体(7名以上)の皆さま ※共通。

  • 周辺の道路環境により、バスや乗用車の乗り付けはできません。
  • 混雑時には入館制限をさせて頂く可能性があります。
  • 小学生以下のお子様のみで入館することはできません。必ず大人(中学生以上)の方の同伴が必要です。
  • ミュージアムの館内・ショップでは飲食が禁止ですが、中庭では飲み物のみ可能です。
  • ペット類の持ち込みはご遠慮ください。
  • 全面禁煙です。また、危険物・火気の持ち込みはできません。
  • 施設内で走り廻る・大きな声で騒ぐなど、他のお客様やスタッフの迷惑になる行為はご遠慮ください。
  • イベント開催時は別途注意事項がありますので、スタッフの指示に従ってください。
  • 取材が入ることがありますので、その際はご協力をお願い申し上げます。


  • 原則、学校関係者の校外学習等のみ、事前予約をしていただいた上、平日(1組/日)のみ受け入れています。なお、予約なしでご来館いただいても入館できません。
  • 来館希望の団体は、「学校・団体名」、「来館希望日時」、「代表者名」、「人数」を記載し、必ず5営業日前までに以下のメールアドレスへご連絡ください。電話・FAXでは受け付けておりません。
  • 有償で当施設見学の募集を行う(ツアー)等、営利目的のご利用はお断りします。
  • 予約状況によっては希望に沿えない場合がございます。
  • 館内は狭く、修復困難で貴重な資料等も展示されていますので、館内ではできるだけ少人数のグループにて行動してください。

About the Area Open to Visitors

The museum area is limited to the public space on the first floor of the production studio.

  • The standard tour time is approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Photographing or recording any part of the videos on display or in the exhibition area is prohibited.

Areas where video recording or photography is allowed are as follows:

Dance Corner in the museum
Photo Area in the museum
Museum Shop

※Please be careful not to film other visitors.

About the Museum's Facilities

  • There is no parking for cars or bicycles. Please use nearby facilities or come by public transport.
  • Baby strollers can be parked at the end of the ramp on the right side of the courtyard.
  • Restrooms are located inside the museum. There are diaper changing tables, but no nursing rooms.
  • Please take care of your own luggage as there are no luggage storage areas.

Visitor Guidelines

  • Due to the surrounding road conditions, tour buses are not allowed in. Please use public transportation.
  • During busy times, we may limit admission.
  • Children who are elementary school age or younger must be accompanied by an adult (junior high school student or older) to enter the museum.
  • Eating and drinking inside the museum building and shop is prohibited. Please enjoy your drinks in the courtyard.
  • Do not bring pets. However, guide dogs, hearing assistance dogs and service dogs are allowed.
  • Smoking is prohibited at all museum facilities. Do not bring dangerous or lighters into the museum.
  • Please refrain from running, making loud noises, and other activities that may disturb other visitors and staff in the facility.
  • Please follow the instructions of the staff during events as there are separate rules and regulations.
  • Please be aware that there may be media coverage of events. We kindly ask for your cooperation in such cases.

To our guests visiting in groups of 7 or more.

※Due to an increase in the number of visitors, we have changed the rules as of September 11th.

  • In principle, we accept only one group per day on weekdays upon advance reservation for school-related field trips only.
  • Group visitors that do not have a reservation will not be admitted to the museum.
  • If you wish to visit the museum as a group, please contact the following e-mail address at least 5 business days in advance, indicating the name of your school or organization, the desired date and time, the name of your representative, and the number of people in the group.
  • We do not take reservations by phone or fax.
  • The use of our facilities for commercial purposes, such as soliciting visitors to a paid tour, is not permitted.
  • We may not be able to meet your request depending on reservations of other visitors.
  • Please keep your group size as small as possible in the museum, as it is a small space and there are valuable and difficult-to-restore materials on display.